We value your time, questions, and comments, but due to the seasonality in our teams' schedules we may not immediately answer your phone call or email. If we are unavailable at the time you contact us, we are usually able to return messages within one business day. To reach us via phone please call us at 303-841-8884. To reach us via email please choose the tab below and fill out the appropriate form. Thank you for your interest in Denver Illuminations!
For all commercial bids or custom designed packages please call us at 303-841-8884 or click here to email us directly. Due to the short duration and large volume of requests received during the holiday season, we attempt to expedite all small tree bids, basic packages, gold packages, and 'you provide the lights' packages, via email. Therefore, if your bid falls into one of those categories please email us the following information.
If you are interested in receiving a quote for Wedding or event lighting installation services please call us at 303-841-8884 or fill out the form below. Make sure to include in your message a good time to contact you back, the date of your event and what type of lighting or backdrops you are considering. If you need to send more than 2 pictures please click here to email us directly
If you need to get in touch with us but it is not related to a quote please fill out the form below. If you are soliciting our business I would suggest that you mail us your offer as we don't respond to solicitations through email or phone calls.
Denver illumination installed our permanent decorative lights. We absolutely love them, great for holidays, celebration and game days! The EverLights app is super easy to use and there are thousands of possible light patterns. Highly recommend.
David Billings
Windsor, CO
Wonderful company to have hang your Christmas lights. Our home was originally decorated by a previous company. They left several issues behind for us to deal with. Denver Illuminations were extremely helpful in re-stringing our lights and getting everything organized for next year. Can't wait to have them back. Great company! Great people!
Brenda Siegfried
Thornton, CO
I have used Denver Illuminations for the last five Christmas seasons to do my outside lighting. We have huge evergreens and a very steep sloped roof line to decorate every year. We always get tremendous compliments.
Michael Collins
Denver, CO
Awesome job, easy to work with - beautiful installation with high quality lights and timers, lots of options, and easy take down.
Stacy Weis
Aurora, CO
Christmas is a magical time of year and a season of giving and sharing. It is a time to spend with family and friends, volunteering, and reflecting on what matters in life. Several small towns ...
Recently, the growing popularity of downtown Denver, Colorado as a site for business relocation attracted considerable media interest. Several large tech companies decided to move into offices in this area. New arrivals on the scene ...
However, even after finding the perfect gift for someone, a lot of people realize that they do not possess the skills to properly wrap a gift. This article will help you out. In some really ...